Oral Cancer Screening
State-of-the-art oral cancer screening in Northallerton
Our practice is one of few practices that use the VELscope system to detect the early stages of mouth cancer. Mouth cancer is a very curable disease, yet more than 2,500 people every year die as a result of it not being caught early enough.
The VELscope is a quick, pain-free and non-invasive method of detecting abnormalities in the soft tissue of the mouth, which may lead to oral cancer.
We include the VELscope screening for mouth cancer in all of our initial examinations for members and then regularly at each recall examination. This way we can ensure that any cancerous tissue is detected early, giving you the best chance of receiving successful treatment should you be diagnosed.
Not only is using the VELscope completely painless and non-invasive, it is an incredible piece of equipment. Using technology called Tissue Fluorescence Visualisation it detects abnormal tissue in the mouth in just a few minutes. During the test we shine a blue light into your mouth that excites the tissues and then we use a special viewing instrument to see the results.
Normal tissue shows as a green fluorescent pattern, while abnormal tissue shows up as a dark area which stands out against it. Whatever your results, out caring sensitive team will be there to support you and advise next steps in the event that abnormal tissues are detected.
To find out more about oral cancer screening using the VELscope call 01609 761377 or email hello@lovingyoursmile.co.uk.